How to Break in Your Leather Holster

It is our desire that this holster serves you well and is comfortable to wear every day.   To ensure that you get the best use out of this custom-made product, we have some recommendations for you.


Please read these entire instructions carefullybefore wearing this holster with a live firearm!



  • PLEASE DO NOT put on your brand new holster as soon as it arrives, drop your loaded firearm into it, and go about your normal day!   An un-tested holster can be very dangerous if mis-handled. 

  • PLEASE DO NOT ADD ANY OILS to your leather holster to soften it up (like you might do to a baseball glove before first use). 

    Your holster has been very carefully dyed, treated, and waxed – providing it with all of the nurturing moisture that it needs for the time being.  Over-softening the leather can cause damage the acrylic finish and/or loosen it up too much.  Too loose, and you will loosen the retention (the gun can potentially fall out).  NOT GOOD.

    You want some rigidity in the holster, so that it can support the weight of the firearm and to protect the trigger area, specifically.   You also want the holster to keep its retention capability, so it keeps your firearm safely in place throughout the day.



When you first receive your new leather holster, please do the following:  

  • Un-box it. Examine it. Make sure it's as perfect as it was when we shipped it to you.   You will notice that the leather is a little stiff - that's a GOOD thing.  

  • Check the fit.
    The weapon should securely and completely rest all the way into the holster. 

Carefully unload your firearm and clear the chamber. 
With your firearm empty and cleared for safety– insert only thecorresponding firearm for which the holster was made. 


  • Check the retention
    To avoid damage to your firearm, do this over a bead or very padded surface. With the weapon holstered, turn the holster upside-down and give a few gentle  Your weapon should remain reasonably secured without coming out.    

  • Wear the Holster.  
    Remove the firearm from the holster and put the holster on your belt. See how it feels.  Walk around, sit, stand, move.  Get cozy with it for a while.   Walk, sit, stand, and move around in a safe, comfortable place (such as at home).   Get used to how it feels.  

  • Give your new holster a few days of wear. 
    Make sure you're comfortable and that your weapon stays put when it's supposed to.  Let the holster be exposed to your body heat. 

  • Practice drawing your UN-LOADED gun and re-holstering. 
    While your holster has good retention of the firearm, it should still be very easy to draw while wearing it on a belt.  Practice drawing and re-holstering until you can re-holster it safely without looking. 



There should be "some" resistance, as the holster is built for retention, but it should be relatively easy to draw while wearing.  If your holster draws smoothly and re-holsters completely - you're good to go!    


Enjoy your new custom holster from Full House Custom Leather!




Some of the "dummy" guns used to mold your custom holster may shrink a little after the resins cure, which makes them slightly smaller than the actual firearm in which it was modeled.   Also, some firearms are VERY similar to others and the mold guns may be compatible, which could also be a reason for a slightly tight fit.  

We do take the time to mold your holster carefully to the firearm for which it was made.  We test the fit and the draw, so that it will be ready to use as soon as you receive it. However, it's leather, which is a natural product and can stiffen up as it dries.  

If you find that your weapon is difficult to draw from the holster while wearing on a belt, please carefully follow the break-in instructions below. 




  1. Be sure to carefully clear your firearm first.  Also, remove the magazine and any chambered rounds.   

  2. Place the unloaded weapon into a Zip-Lock or sandwich bag (the little plastic ones).

  3. Next, re-holster the (unloaded) firearm back into the holster.  Leave it there for about 5 minutes (we’re giving the holster a tinystretch here).

  4. Remove your gun from the plastic bag and try holstering / removing it a few times. It should have loosened up a little.   If it's still too tight, you can repeat this process again as many times as you need to.  
(Don't overdo it!  Too Tight is better than too loose). 
Your holster will eventually settle in with time, but if you stretch it too much, you cannot un-do it.  Over-stretched holsters will not be refunded.



You can also use increasingly thicker materials, such as double-bagging it, using a dress sock, then socks + sandwich bag, etc.   You can also increase the amount of time that you leave the firearm in the holster while stretching it.  



With holsters, in particular, it’s better for it to be too tight than too loose, as security and retention of the firearm while you are walking, sitting, moving around with it holstered, is paramount.  That said, please make sure you take great care in breaking in your leather holster for only the firearm for which it was designed.